dimanche 14 novembre 2021

🍳 How To Cook 1 🌟 Omelet of Potato and Cheese | Easy

πŸ’‘ HOW : πŸ”₯ ACTION ONE (3XP) (Preparation) : Prepare the ingredients. πŸƒ Step 1 (1XP) : 0:02 (Peel the potato) πŸƒ Step 2 (1XP) : 0:05 (Cut the potato in small square) πŸƒ Step 3 (0,5XP) : 0:11 (Wash the potato squares) πŸƒ Step 4 (0,5XP) : 0:14 (Dry the potato squares) πŸ”₯ ACTION TWO (3XP) (Prepare the composition) : Prepare the composition of your omelet. πŸƒ Step 5 (3XP) : 0:17 (Create the composition of the omelette (3 Eggs, Pepper, Salt, Emmental) and blend ingredients) πŸ”₯ ACTION THREE (5,5XP) (Assembly and cooking) : Gather and cook the ingredients. πŸƒ Step 6 (2XP) : 0:34 (Set the cooking temperature to a low level. Pour the sunflower oil into the pan. Pour the potato squares and make the fries until it gets a golden color.) πŸƒ Step 7 (3,5XP) : 0:44 (Pour the composition of the omelet. Be careful that the omelet does not stick to the pan. Turn the omelet to cook both sides.) ✔️ Download PICTURES by L.Guidali : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6cgryerok3txgc0/AAD23hgFczZuySMGFupFyxtOa?dl=0 ✔️ Download PDF by L.Guidali : https://www.dropbox.com/s/c2xq2cf2l8l42mg/How%20to%20Cook%201%20%20-%20Omelet%20of%20Potato%20and%20Cheese%20by%20L.Guidali.pdf?dl=0 ✔️ Download VIDEO by L.Guidali : https://www.dropbox.com/s/owjiub48ciseaa7/How%20to%20cook%201%20version%20final%20ingredient.mp4?dl=0 πŸ† Difficulty : Easy (Level 2) πŸŽ“ Skills : No special skills πŸ‘‘ Senses : πŸ‘€ Vision πŸ‘† To Touch πŸ’ƒ Proprioception πŸ•ΊEquilibrioception πŸ‘ƒ Smell ♨️ Thermoception πŸ‘… Taste ⚡ Intelligences : ⛹️ Kinesthetic Body Intelligence πŸ”’ Intelligence Logic Mathematics πŸ’‘ Imagination πŸ”¨ Tools : ⚒ Small stove ⚒ Gas cookers ⚒ Knife for peeling (Optional) (A basic or other knife also works) ⚒ Towel (Anything that allows to dry the potatoes) ⚒ Small toothless knife ⚒ Soup plate (To wash the potatoes) ⚒ Flat plate (Omelet) ⚒ Pitcher (Optional) (Water) ⚒ A small bowl ⚒ Fork ⚒ 4 Cups (For salt, cheese, oil and pepper) (Optional) ⚒ Wooden spoons (For cooking) ⚒ Lid (To return the omelet) (Optional) 🍲 Ingredients (πŸ“œ Recipe) : 🍚 3 Eggs πŸ” (150 g) (πŸ›‘ 210 Calories) 🍚 10 CL πŸ” Sunflower oil (Depends on the size of your stove) (πŸ›‘ 90 Calories) 🍚 A pinch πŸ” of Pepper (According to your tastes) (100g = πŸ›‘ 251 Calories) 🍚 A pinch πŸ” of Salt (According to your tastes) (πŸ›‘ 0 Calories) 🍚 30 Grams πŸ” of Gruyere Emmental (πŸ›‘ 111 Calories) 🍚 1 Potato πŸ” (Medium Size) (100g = πŸ›‘ 77 Calories) ⚠️ Consider nutrient intake of ingredients and of calories. ⚠️ Do not hesitate to convert the units of measurements indicated in the description. If you are using other units of measurement. ⚠️ The indications in the description are not all exhaustive and are not all a standard. Many items may vary depending on each. ⚠️ The ingredients and tools are not a standard. Make according to your taste and the means that you have at disposal. πŸ“‹ WHAT : ✍How to Cook {1} Step by Step 🌟 : Omelet of Potato and Cheese πŸ’« : Omelet World 🌌 : Main course/Secondary dish for accompaniment Galaxy ✨ : Cooking Universe (🍳) πŸ“ Type : Cooking a main or secondary dish 🎨 Style : Cook an Omelet (Potato and Cheese) πŸ”Š Language : πŸ—Ί International (πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ description and steps in English, but comprehensible by the whole world) © You are free to use our video from the moment you include the "Follow Us" section in your publication description. Do not forget other items like music ... etc 🏷️ You can use your playlists as filters, to find what you're looking for exactly (Download the application if you want a more exhaustive list) : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb1N-vNT8Y1-qx0PdlvLRpg/playlists πŸ“ HOW MUCH : πŸƒ 7 Steps πŸ”₯ 3 Actions ✔ 11,5XP πŸ”¨ Need 16 Tools (7 Optional) 🍲 Need 6 Ingredients πŸ›‘ 488 Calories (About) πŸ” Dosage (Weight) (About) : 200g Minimum - 300g Maximum πŸ‘« How many people : 1 Person (main course) 2-4 Persons (To accompany the main course) ⏱️ Preparation Time : 5 Minutes Minimum - 15 Minutes Maximum πŸŽ›️ Cooking Time : 5 Minutes Minimum - 10 Minutes Maximum 🌑️ Cooking Temperature : Low temperature πŸ‘‘ 7 Senses πŸ˜‰ 3 Intelligences πŸ•΅ WHO : πŸ‘¨‍🍳 Cook by LG πŸŽ₯ Filmed by LG : Samsung Galaxy S7 πŸ“‘ Posted by LG πŸ“Ό Video made by LG (iMovie) ♬ Music Used (No Copyright) : Etoile - Theme 1 : https://youtu.be/_xcfYNqqHQo © Etoile No Copyright (Recipe and Music) ⚠️ The description may no longer be up to date. Due to human discoveries and improvements. ❓ WHY : Learn how to cook a potato and cheese omelet πŸ“ WHERE : Pontault Combault (πŸ‡«πŸ‡· France) πŸ•“ WHEN : 27 September 2017 ⌚ Duration : 10 Minutes Minimum ~ 35 Minutes Maximum ⚠️ The duration depends on the performance and tools used by the author. πŸ‘‰ Follow us : πŸ’₯ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Emagination-245483199189790 πŸ’₯ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/emaginationetl πŸ’₯ Flickr : https://www.flickr.com/photos/emaginationetl #Etoile #ETL #eMagination πŸ“Œ https://www.etoile.app/ πŸ’Œ Contact : emaginationcontact@gmail.com

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🍳How To Cook 8 🌟Baked Spice Potatoes πŸ₯ˆEasy ✔️15,5

πŸ’‘HOW πŸ”½ πŸ”₯ACTION ONE (5✔️) (πŸ‘¨‍πŸ”§Preparation) Prepare the potatoes : πŸ‘£Step 1 (3,5✔️) 0:01 πŸ‘£Step 2 (1,5✔️) 0:24 πŸ”₯ACTION TWO (5✔️) (πŸ‘¨‍πŸ”§...