💡HOW 🔽
🔥ACTION ONE (5✔️) (👨🔧Preparation) Prepare the potatoes :
👣Step 1 (3,5✔️) 0:01
👣Step 2 (1,5✔️) 0:24
🔥ACTION TWO (5✔️) (👨🔧Preparation) Prepare the spices for the recipe :
👣Step 3 (5✔️) 0:24
🔥ACTION THREE (2✔️) (👨🔧Preparation) Prepare the potato dish before Baking :
👣Step 4 (2✔️) 0:24
🔥ACTION FOUR (3✔️) (👨🔧Baking) Bake your preparation of potatoes and spices :
👣Step 5 (3✔️) 0:24
✅Finish 2:55
➕15,5 ✔️Experience Points in cooking
✔️ Download PICTURES by L.Guidali : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fh7sie0pon9ai6n/AABB2Zbu1lRdD8KMTTYWVCPYa?dl=0
✔️ Download PDF by L.Guidali : https://www.dropbox.com/s/iqczbnvyyenrosb/How%20to%20Cook%208%20-%20Baked%20Spice%20Potatoes%20by%20L.Guidali.pdf?dl=0
✔️ Download VIDEO by L.Guidali : https://www.dropbox.com/s/9x3z5pstlalnyfw/How%20to%20cook%208%20patate.mp4?dl=0
👩🔬eXplanation :
Peel and cut the potatoes in small squares.
Then clean the potatoes with water several times.
Then put the potatoes in a drain, Wait about 10 minutes (So that the potatoes do not get wet when cooking).
Cut a clove of garlic (6 - 7g About).
Place your potato wedges in a big bowl and pour in 105 ml of olive oil. Then pour the garlic cut into the salad bowl (Already cut beforehand).
Mix the potatoes and add a lid and wait about 10 Minutes for the spices to impregnate the potatoes.
In a dish designed for cooking, add baking paper (so that the potatoes do not stick)
Spread the potatoes on the sulfuric paper.
Light your oven (at a temperature of: 200 ° C - 392 ° F).
Let the potatoes cook for 40 minutes (stirring the potatoes about every 10 minutes).
ℹ️1 Tablespoon = 15G - 15ML (About)
ℹ️1 Teaspoon = 5G - 5ML (About)
⚠️Remember to turn the potatoes regularly (About every 10 Minutes).
ℹ️Do not hesitate to divide the dosage according to the number of people who eat.
⏳Cook in Less Than 1 Minute : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5M50VREHR4&list=PLCnt1yP-rsmk8Qb_Y1r7s8Ix3POFTgKZe
🏆Difficulty :🥈Easy (Level 2🤺)
🎓Skills : Some little notions of cooking
🕴️Senses : 👀Vision 👆To Touch 💃Proprioception 👃Smell ♨️Thermoception 🕺Equilibrioception 👅Taste
👩🏼🏫Intelligences : 🤸🏾Kinesthetic Body Intelligence
🔢Intelligence Logic Mathematics
🙇State of Mind : 😶Focus
💞Context (Example) : 🥜Accompaniment of a Dish
🌮Recipe Garnishes
🛠️Tools (🔨5) (1 Optional)
🔨Cooking System
🔨Salad Bowl
🔨Dish for Cooking
🔨Baking Paper [So that does not stick] {If you do not have one, Stir potatoes regularly} (Optional)
🍲Ingredients 7 (📜Recipe) : 🛑1434 Calories
🍚Olive Oil 🔍105ML 🛑630 Calories
🍚Salt 🔍4g 🛑0 Calories
🍚Potato 🔍1Kg 🛑770 Calories
🍚A Clove of Garlic 🔍7g 🛑7 Calories
🍚Oregano 🔍7g 🛑19 Calories
🍚Pepper 🔍2g 🛑6 Calories
🍚Parsley 🔍7g 🛑2 Calories
⚠️Consider nutrient intake too and not essentially calorie intake
🍳How To Cook {8} Step by Step
🌟Baked Spice Potatoes
💫Potatoes World
🌌Accompaniment/Vegan Galaxy
✨Cooking Universe (🍳)
📝Type : Cooking Potatoes (🥜Accompaniment) (🍏Vegan)
🎨Style : Cooking Potatoes with Olive Oil and Spices.
🗣️Language : 🗺International (🇬🇧 description and steps in English, but comprehensible by the whole world)
🏷️You can use your playlists as filters, to find what you're looking for exactly : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb1N-vNT8Y1-qx0PdlvLRpg/playlists
👣5 Steps
🔥4 Actions
✔️15,5 Experience Points
🛠️5 tools (1 Optional)
🍲7 Ingredients
🛑1434 Calories (About)
🔍Dosage [Weight] (About) : (💧Liquid - 105ML) (🥕Solid - 1027g) {Weight of total ingredients used}
👫How many people : 2-8 Persons (4 Medium) (🥜Accompaniment)
⏱️Preparation Time : 9 Minutes Minimum - 22 Minutes Maximum
⏰Waiting Time : 20 Minutes
🎛️ Cooking Time : 40 Minutes
🌡️ Temperature Cooking : Bake : 200°C - 392°F
🕴️7 Senses
👩🏼🏫3 Intelligences
🙇5 State of Mind
🕵WHO 🔽
👩🍳Cook by LG
🎥Filmed by LG : Go Pro Hero 5 (1080 - 60-Large)
📡Posted by LG
🎞️Video made by LG (Windows Movie Maker 2017)
©Etoile Copyright (Cooking)
©Ikson (Music)
🎵Music Used Ikson - New Day
🤴🏽Support Ikson :
ℹ️ How to use music : https://iksonmusic.wordpress.com/
🎼Music promoted 📂 by eMotion
🎞️Video Link : https://youtu.be/aSWFk2Amv6o
❓WHY 🔽
Learn How To Cook Baked Spice Potatoes
Pontault Combault (🇫🇷 France)
🇸🇪Sweden Music
📅28 December 2017
⌚Duration : 1.09 Hour Minimum ~ 1.22 Hour Maximum
⚠️The duration depends on the performance and tools used by the author.
🔖 React with official Hashtags : #Etoile #ETL #eMagination
📌 https://www.etoile.app/
💌 emaginationcontact@gmail.com
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