dimanche 14 novembre 2021

🍳How To Cook 7 🌟Small Panzerotti 🥈Easy ✔️32

💡HOW 🔽 🔥ACTION ONE (7,5✔️) (👨‍🔧Mixing and Carving) Mix the ingredients and knead the dough : 👣Step 1 (1,5✔️) 0:01 👣Step 2 (6✔️) 0:11 🔥ACTION TWO (0,5✔️) (👨‍🔧...) Let the dough rest : 👣Step 3 (0,5✔️) 0:35 🔥ACTION THREE (8✔️) (👨‍🔧Design and Cooking) Mix all the necessary ingredients and cook : 👣Step 4 (3✔️) 0:47 👣Step 5 (5✔️) 1:00 🔥ACTION FOUR (7✔️) (👨‍🔧Preparation) Prepare the shape of your panzerotti : 👣Step 6 (4✔️) 1:18 👣Step 7 (3✔️) 1:25 🔥ACTION FIVE (7,5✔️) (👨‍🔧Preparation of the Filling) Add the Filling and Close the Panzerottis before frying : 👣Step 8 (3✔️) 1:38 👣Step 9 (4,5✔️) 1:57 🔥ACTION SIX (1,5✔️) (👨‍🔧Baking) Fry the panzerottis : 👣Step 10 (1,5✔️) 2:15 ✅Finish 2:36 ➕32 ✔️ https://www.dropbox.com/sh/e2l5ri9mglngzrp/AAC1TR-nSdMFF40NyLLPfMR5a?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/izkmqjtw9ad0mzt/How%20to%20Cook%207%20-%20Small%20Panzerotti%20by%20L.Guidali.pdf?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/jfxb8hr0pqj2yue/How%20to%20cook%206.mp4?dl=0 DOUGH | Mix 25g of fresh yeast (you can use another type of baker's yeast) in 400ML lukewarm milk. Then pour 4g of sugar. After, on a flat work surface (Or with your robot, petrin ... etc. You can use a big bowl too.) Pour 500g flour. Spread the flour, leaving a small crevice in the center to add 4g of salt and pour your milk with the yeast little by little while stirring. Begin petrification of the paw for several minutes by adding 45ML of olive oil during petrification. Once finished pour a little flour into a bowl and put the paw in it, pour some flour on top of the dough too. Allow the dough to rest in a relatively warm and humid place for 3 hours (minimum advise) (You may deposit a lukewarm water container if the dough's resting location is an enclosed area). SAUCE | Put the cooking at medium temperature and in a relatively large pan pour 75ML olive oil. In addition to 4 g of tomato paste (Option) and a clove of garlic (7 g). Stir the sauce throughout the preparation. Cut in half 8 cherry tomatoes and add 400g (425ML) tomato sauce and stir. Add 4g of dried basil (or fresh basil), 4g of salt, 60ML of water. Put the lid on your stove and wait between 30 to 1 hour. Remember to stir from time to time while cooking. PANZEROTTI | Cut the dough in half. Spread the dough with a roll of pattisserie (Or other things). You can put over the dough, a sulfuric paper that will have the effect of adhering to the dough and thus prevented the dough to recover to its original form. Once you have a spread like a mini pizza. Place an object of round shape like a bowl for example. With a cut knife, the paw has the round shape that you deposit in advance on the dough. Iron a few rolls of pastry dough to spread the paw a second time quickly. Then add the filling (according to your tastes). In this video, the trim for 1 Panzerotti is as follows : - Tomato Sauce 15ML - Parmesan Cheese 5g - Mozzarella 15g Heat the sunflower oil at medium temperature. Take the end of your dough and fold it on itself. Close the ends by gently pressing with your fingers. Then seal the panzerotti permanently. To do this step, use a fork and press the back of your fork over the ends of the dough to close (delicately). Heat the sunflower oil at medium temperature. Put the panzerottis in the oil. The panzerotti must have a golden color before removing it. ℹ️1 Tablespoon 15G - 15ML ℹ️1 Teaspoon 5G - 5ML ℹ️ Can be used for pizza, calzone ... etc ℹ️ You can use classic tomatoes, but the taste will be slightly different ℹ️ You can add a very low dose (3~4g) of sugar to reduce the acid taste of tomatoes (a bit like onions) ⚠️Be careful that the sauce does not burn. However, remove or lift the lid as little as possible while cooking ⚠️Remove the cloves of garlic after cooking 🛠️Tools (🔨12) (4 Option) 🔨Stove (Big Enough) 🔨Wooden Spoon 🔨Lid for the stove 🔨Cooking System 🔨Metering (Ingredients) (Option) 🔨2 Bowls (1 Option) 🔨1 Spoonful 🔨1 Big Bowl 🔨Sulfurized Paper (Option) 🔨Rolling Pin #Option 🔨Cooking System (Fry) 🔨Fork 🍲Ingredients 10 : Sauce for 16 (Panzerotti) MINIMUM 🛑3749 Calories (1 = 🛑234 Calories) 🍚Olive Oil 🔍120ML 🛑720 🍚Salt 🔍8g 🛑0 🍚Water 🔍60ML 🛑0 🍚Tomato Concentrate (Optional) 🔍4g 🛑3 🍚A Clove of Garlic 🔍7g 🛑7 🍚8 Cherry Tomatoes 🔍12g 🛑18 🍚Tomato Sauce 🔍425ML 🛑72 🍚Basil 🔍4g 🛑9 🍚Oregano 🔍4g 🛑11 🍚Pepper 🔍2g 🛑6 🍚Milk Lukewarm (Half skim) 🔍400ML 🛑183 🍚Fresh Yeast 🔍25g 🛑90 🍚Sugar 🔍4g 🛑15 🍚Wheat Flour 🔍510g 🛑1734 🍚Parmesan Cheese 🔍5g x 16 = 80g 🛑306 🍚Mozzarella 🔍15g x 16 = 240g 🛑575 🍚Sunflower Oil 🔍... 🛑Use for Fry ⚠️Take into account the caloric content that can cause a fried food 📋WHAT 🔽 💫Panzerotti 🌌Meal ✨Cooking (🍳) 📝Cooking a Small Panzerotti (🍲) 🎨Panzerotti 📖HOW MUCH 🔽 🔍16 Panzerotti's = 1005ML (💧) - 900G (🥕) 1 Panzerotti = 63ML (💧) 56g (🥕) 👫2-6 Persons (4 Medium) (Main meal) 🕵WHO 🔽 👩‍🍳Carmen 🎥LG 📡LG 🎞️LG ℹ️ https://iksonmusic.wordpress.com/ etoile.app

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🍳How To Cook 8 🌟Baked Spice Potatoes 🥈Easy ✔️15,5

💡HOW 🔽 🔥ACTION ONE (5✔️) (👨‍🔧Preparation) Prepare the potatoes : 👣Step 1 (3,5✔️) 0:01 👣Step 2 (1,5✔️) 0:24 🔥ACTION TWO (5✔️) (👨‍🔧...