dimanche 14 novembre 2021

🍳 How To Cook 4 🌟 3 Pizzas with flour of Wheat, Potato and Milk | Easy

πŸ’‘ HOW : πŸ”₯ ACTION ONE (8XP) - Prepare the pizza dough : πŸƒ Step 1 (1XP) : 0:04 (Prepare yeast with sugar (4 g) and water with salt (8 g)) πŸƒ Step 2 (1,5XP) : 0:14 (Mix the ingredients with the flour) πŸƒ Step 3 (5XP) : 0:18 (Work the dough a pizza) (Wash your hands regularly while you work the pizza dough) πŸƒ Step 4 (0,5XP) : 0:26 (Let the dough rest) (🌑️ The temperature of the room must not be a cold temperature) πŸ”₯ ACTION TWO (4XP) - Preparation and cooking of the sauce : πŸƒ Step 5 (1XP) : 0:14 (You can use powdered garlic and basil dry) πŸƒ Step 6 (3XP) : 0:19 (Stir the sauce regularly) ⚠️ Remove the garlic clove before filling the pizzas ⚠️ Think of putting the sauce at 🌑️ low temperature πŸ”₯ ACTION THREE (13XP) (8XP #Optional) (5XP) - prepare and cook the pizzas : πŸƒ Step 7 (0,5XP) : 0:59 (🌑️ To preheat the oven) πŸƒ Step 8 (1XP) : 1:05 (Beginning of pizza preparation) πŸƒ Step 9 (2XP) : 1:11 πŸƒ Step 10 (1XP) : 1:20 πŸƒ Step 11 (0,5XP) : 1:28 (🌑️ Bake 10 - 15 Minutes) πŸƒ Step 12 (4XP) : 1:40 (Pizza 2) #Optional πŸƒ Step 13 (4XP) : 2:03 (Pizza 3) #Optional ✔️ PICTURES by L.Guidali : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/x4wcsfz5h7est1r/AACuPA6bVIPjiqjAk6z9UH7_a?dl=0 ✔️ Download PDF by L.Guidali : https://www.dropbox.com/s/yoxsvvrl019lzgk/How%20to%20Cook%204%20-%203%20Pizzas%20with%20flour%20of%20Wheat%2C%20Potato%20and%20Milk%20by%20L.Guidali.pdf?dl=0 ✔️ Download VIDEO by L.Guidali : https://www.dropbox.com/s/q03ulld0lq6ymil/htc4.mp4?dl=0 πŸ† Difficulty : Easy (Level 2) πŸŽ“ Skills : No special skills πŸ‘‘ Senses : πŸ‘€πŸ‘†πŸ’ƒ πŸ•ΊπŸ‘ƒ♨️πŸ‘… ⚡ Intelligences : ⛹️ πŸ”’ πŸ’‘ πŸ”¨ Tools : ⚒ A pan ⚒ A wooden spoon (Wood is not necessarily required) ⚒ A lid ⚒ A large bowl ⚒ Three cups (#Optional) ⚒ A blanket ⚒ A towel (To cover the dough) ⚒ A spoon ⚒ A bowl ⚒ Pitcher (#Optional) (Water) ⚒ Large pizza plate ⚒ Electric oven ⚒ Plastic spatula ⚒ One knife ⚒ You can add parchment paper if the top begins to overcook (#Optional) ⚠️ Divide by three to get the recipe for a single pizza 🍲 Ingredients (πŸ“œ Recipe) : Pizza Dough (3 Pizzas) 🍚 Potato and Milk Flour [Gran Mugnaio Molino Spadoni coi fiocchi] πŸ” (825 g) (πŸ›‘ 2838 Calories) (+25g #Optional - Use during paste preparation to avoid sticking) 🍚 Water πŸ” (0,400 L) (Dough) (πŸ›‘ 0 Calories) 🌑️ Lukewarm Water πŸ” (0,250 L) (For Yeast) (πŸ›‘ 0 Calories) 🌑️ Lukewarm Water πŸ” (0,200 L) (For Salt) (πŸ›‘ 0 Calories) 🍚 Fresh Baker Yeast [Extra AB Mauri] πŸ” (25g) (πŸ›‘ 26 Calories) 🍚 Salt πŸ”(8g) (πŸ›‘ 26 Calories) 🍚 Sugar πŸ”(4g) (πŸ›‘ 0 Calories) 🍲 Ingredients (πŸ“œ Recipe) : Sauce (3 Pizzas) 🍚 Olive Oil πŸ” (0,09L) (9g) (πŸ›‘81 Calories) 🍚 Tomato Concentrate πŸ” (4g) (πŸ›‘3 Calories) #Optional 🍚 Garlic πŸ” (A Clove) (6g) (πŸ›‘6 Calories) 🍚 Tomato Sauce [Luisa, Italian Peeled Tomatoes in Tomato Juice] πŸ” (0,800L) (πŸ›‘134 Calories) (You can use fresh tomatoes instead) 🍚 Basil πŸ” (4 Leaves) (πŸ›‘8 Calories) 🍚 Oregano πŸ” (4g) (πŸ›‘10 Calories) 🍚 Pepper πŸ” (1g) (πŸ›‘3 Calories) 🍚 Salt πŸ” (3g) (πŸ›‘0 Calories) ⚠️ Mix the pepper, the salt ... etc According to your taste ⚠️ Chop basil and oregano if it's not the case 🍲 Ingredients (πŸ“œ Recipe) : 3 Pizzas (Divided by three for a Pizza) 🍚 Sunflower Oil πŸ” (0,030L) (πŸ›‘265 Calories) 🍚 Gorgonzola [Gorgonzola Carrefour] πŸ” (150g) (πŸ›‘530 Calories) 🍚 Goat Cheese [Les croisΓ©s Sainte Marie] πŸ” (300g) (πŸ›‘480 Calories) 🍚 Black Olive without core [Tranier Black Olive (without core)] πŸ” (21) (πŸ›‘107 Calories) 🍚 Mozzarella [Galbani Mozzarella Cucina] πŸ” (400g) (πŸ›‘1040 Calories) 🍚 Ham [Carrefour top ham without rind] πŸ” (80g = 1 Pizza) (πŸ›‘208 Calories) (πŸ›‘ x3 = 624 Calories) #Optional ⚠️ Consider nutrient intake of ingredients and of calories. πŸ“‹ WHAT : ✍How to Cook {4} Step by Step 🌟 : 3 Pizzas with flour of Wheat, Potato and Milk πŸ’« : Pizza 🌌 : Main Meal Galaxy ✨ : Cooking Universe (🍳) πŸ“ Type : Cooking a pizza 🎨 Style : Cook a Pizza (Flour of Wheat, Potato and Milk) πŸ”Š Language : πŸ—Ί International (πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ description and steps in English) https://www.etoile.app/ πŸ“ HOW MUCH : πŸƒ 13 πŸ”₯ 3 ✔ (25XP 3Pizzas) (8XP #Optional) (17XP 1 Pizza) πŸ”¨ Need 15 Tools (3 #Optional) 🍲 Need 19 Ingredients (2 #Optional) πŸ›‘ 5765 Calories (About) - For One Pizza = 1922 Calories πŸ” Dosage (Weight) (About) : (3 Pizzas - 2542g) 1 Pizza = 847g {Ingredients gross weight} (The weight changes completely once finished) 🌑️ Temperature Cooking : (Preheating 270°C - 518°F) - (Bake 240°C - 464°F) πŸŽ›️ Cooking Time : 10 - 15 Minutes (About) πŸ‘« How many people : 3 Pizzas - 3-5 Persons (Main meal) ⏱️ Preparation Time : 3 Hours Minimum - 24 Hours Maximum πŸ‘‘ 7 πŸ˜‰ 3 πŸ•΅ WHO : πŸ‘©‍🍳 Carmen πŸŽ₯ LG πŸ“‘ LG πŸ“Ό LG ♬ Music Used (No Copyright) : Etoile - Theme 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_5z60PLkF8&t=162s ❓ WHY : Learn how to cook 3 Pizzas with flour of Wheat, Potato and Milk πŸ“ WHERE : Pontault Combault (πŸ‡«πŸ‡· France) πŸ•“ WHEN : 29 September 2017 ⌚ Duration : 3 Hours Minimum (Not advisor) ~ 24 Hours Maximum

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🍳How To Cook 8 🌟Baked Spice Potatoes πŸ₯ˆEasy ✔️15,5

πŸ’‘HOW πŸ”½ πŸ”₯ACTION ONE (5✔️) (πŸ‘¨‍πŸ”§Preparation) Prepare the potatoes : πŸ‘£Step 1 (3,5✔️) 0:01 πŸ‘£Step 2 (1,5✔️) 0:24 πŸ”₯ACTION TWO (5✔️) (πŸ‘¨‍πŸ”§...