💡HOW 🔽
🔥ACTION ONE (7,5✔️) (👨🔧Mixing and Carving) Mix the ingredients and knead the dough :
👣Step 1 (1,5✔️) 0:03
👣Step 2 (6✔️) 0:22
🔥ACTION TWO (0,5✔️) (👨🔧...) Let the dough rest :
👣Step 3 (0,5✔️) 1:06
✅Finish 1:19
➕8 ✔️Experience Points in cooking
👩🔬eXplanation :
Mix 25g of fresh yeast (you can use another type of baker's yeast) in 400ML lukewarm milk.
Then pour 4g of sugar. After, on a flat work surface (Or with your robot, petrin ... etc. You can use a big bowl too.) Pour 500g flour. Spread the flour, leaving a small crevice in the center to add 4g of salt and pour your milk with the yeast little by little while stirring.
Begin petrification of the paw for several minutes by adding 45ML of olive oil during petrification.
Once finished pour a little flour into a bowl and put the paw in it, pour some flour on top of the dough too. Allow
the dough to rest in a relatively warm and humid place for 3 hours (minimum advise) (You may deposit a lukewarm water container if the dough's resting location is an enclosed area).
ℹ️1 Tablespoon = 15G - 15ML (About)
ℹ️1 Teaspoon = 5G - 5ML (About)
⏳Cook in Less Than 1 Minute : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5M50VREHR4&list=PLCnt1yP-rsmk8Qb_Y1r7s8Ix3POFTgKZe
✔️ Download PICTURES by L.Guidali : https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mvxmxh8wxjhemtk/AABxhlrpDOGJJO1YrTB8OrHha?dl=0
✔️ Download PDF by L.Guidali : https://www.dropbox.com/s/2lm3zi87t0vtcm2/How%20to%20Cook%205%20-%20Panzerotti%20Dough%20with%20Milk%20by%20L.Guidali.pdf?dl=0
✔️ Download VIDEO by L.Guidali : https://www.dropbox.com/s/obyq3zmpkvwix3v/htc%205%20patte%20panzerotti.mp4?dl=0
🏆Difficulty :🥇Very Easy (Level 1🤺)
🎓Skills : Some little notions of cooking
🕴️Senses : 👀Vision 👆To Touch 💃Proprioception 👃Smell ♨️Thermoception 👅Taste
👩🏼🏫Intelligences : 🤸🏾Kinesthetic Body Intelligence
🔢Intelligence Logic Mathematics
🙇State of Mind : 😶Focus
🛠️Tools (🔨5)
🔨2 Bowls (1 Optional)
🔨1 Spoonful
🔨Metering (Ingredients)
🔨1 Big Bowl
🔨Cooking System
🍲Ingredients 7 (1 Optional) (📜Recipe) : 16 (Panzerotti) 🛑2292
🍚Olive Oil 🔍45ML 🛑270 Calories
🍚Milk Lukewarm (Half skim) 🔍400ML 🛑183 Calories
🍚Fresh Yeast 🔍25g 🛑90 Calories
🍚Sugar 🔍4g 🛑15 Calories
🍚Wheat Flour 🔍510g 🛑1734 Calories
🍚Salt 🔍4g 🛑0 Calories
🍚Water (Optional) 🛑0 Calories
⚠️Consider nutrient intake too and not essentially calorie intake
🍳How To Cook {5} Step by Step
🌟Panzerotti Dough with Milk
💫Panzerotti Dough World
🌌Dough/Main Course/Secondary Dish Galaxy
✨Cooking Universe (🍳)
📝Type : Cooking of Panzerotti Dough (🥔 Preparation of various recipes for meals)
🎨Style : Panzerotti Dough with Milk
🗣️Language : 🗺International (🇬🇧 description and steps in English, but comprehensible by the whole world)
© You are free to use our video from the moment you include the "Follow Us" section in your publication description. Do not forget other items like music ... etc
🏷️You can use your playlists as filters, to find what you're looking for exactly : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb1N-vNT8Y1-qx0PdlvLRpg/playlists
👣3 Steps
🔥2 Actions
✔️8 Experience Points
🛠️5 tools
🍲Need 7 Ingredients (1 Optional)
🛑2292 Calories (About) 1 Panzerotti = 🛑143 Calories
🔍Dosage (Weight) (About) : 445ML (💧Liquid) - 543G (🥕Solid) (1= 28ML (💧) 34 (🥕) Weight of total ingredients used
👫How many people : 2-6 Persons (4 Medium) (Main meal)
⏱️Preparation Time : 15 Minutes Minimum - 1 Hour Maximum
⏰Waiting Time : 3 Hours ~ 5 Hours
🕴️6 Senses
👩🏼🏫3 Intelligences
🙇5 State of Mind
🕵WHO 🔽
👩🍳Cook by Carmen
🎥Filmed by LG : Samsung Galaxy S7
📡Posted by LG
🎞️Video made by LG (Windows Movie Maker 2017)
©Etoile Copyright (Cooking)
©Ikson (Music)
🎵Music Used Ikson - Blue Sky
🤴🏽Support Ikson :
ℹ️ How to use music : https://iksonmusic.wordpress.com/
🎼Music promoted 📂 by eMotion
🎞️Video Link : https://youtu.be/O2Ma7MTkoTE
❓WHY 🔽
Learn How To Cook Panzerotti Dough with Milk
Pontault Combault (🇫🇷 France)
🇮🇹Italian Food
🇸🇪Sweden Music
📅10 December 2017
⌚Duration : 10 Minutes Minimum ~ 12 Hours Maximum
⚠️The duration depends on the performance and tools used by the author.
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